Anil Kumar
Director's Message
Early age, I have traversed the tough Road to success through myriad experience and experiments. In this journey, I have come across thousands of people. A few successful is rising on the path of successes. The others merely are dragging.
On with their lives, in my interview with them, I found that the biggest lagging was in their basic education. Whole people went through their education merely passing exams for degrees. They lacked in the basic skills of effective communication and arithmetic.
The overemphasis on examination and marks has taken the most important element of schooling away from the children, learning and preparation of their future lives. These experienced have proved very helpful in pursuing one of the most important mission of my life setting up the “Adarsh Public School, Naya Bazar, Sarahi More, Saharsa”. Where the kids can get a complete environment to grow with their best qualities as human.
My aim is to go beyond routine teaching and educate every student to become successful in his life. In short the whole some development of the students as a gift of god to mankind and a pride of human race. With good regards

D. K. Mallik

Principal's Message
“Education is the process of learning and knowing it is the anchor that holds life together through the choppy waters”
Dear parents, students and well-wishers of Adarsh Public School, my prayerful greeting to you. First and fore mostly I would like to express my deep sentiments of gratitude to every one of you for your constant support, love and concern towards this school which enables and encourage us to strive hard carry forward the mission of spreading value based knowledge to one and all.
Everyone is born with the urge to create. It is a part of programme of life. Whether we are parents trying to calm down a crying baby or teachers to encourage learning by raising a student’s curiosity. We all of us have dreams. We work to make the dreams come true.
The aim of our “Adarsh Public School” always has been to bring out in students and make them better citizens. The institute always try to impart in the students’ academic excellence, a sense of duty, discipline and above all moral and humanitarian values which are need of the time. No parents want their child to became a negative character in the society and hence with the co-operation of the parents and guardians we can form our students and help them attain the excellence.
Through our educative mission we try to help our students to think differently, to discover the impossible, to travel the unexplored path and to conquer the problems of life courageously to succeed in life.
So let us continue to impart education to our children to make a difference in our country because they are the ‘rays of hope’ and the future of our country.
May god bless you all!
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